Upcoming Events
2025 Wisconsin Better Buildings: Better Business Conference (B4)
Join Phius Alliance Wisconsin at the B4 Conference!
Register here: link
Scholarships available: link
What is the B4 conference?
It is our premier two-day conference that gathers building science industry leaders, experts, and practitioners from around Wisconsin and the Midwest to enhance the residential building industry.
With groundbreaking sessions covering case studies, practical strategies, and hands-on demonstrations we aim to help our attendees deepen their understanding of the sustainable building landscape and how to build their business to thrive in a changing market.
Past Events
2022 MREA - The Energy Fair
Window Thermal and Structural Performance
January 12, 2021: Window Thermal and Structural Performance: This presentation will cover how window U-values are calculated both in North America and Europe. It will also show that these U-Values really are not a fixed number but vary with the interior and exterior boundary conditions as well as on the window’s size. It will also examine the effect of the gap between panes of glass on the center of glass U-value at different temperatures. Advantages and disadvantages of the North American and European models will be discussed. Additionally, this presentation will cover the basics of structural testing and certifications, and their importance when selecting windows and doors.
About the Presenter: David Paulus joined Access Windows and Doors in 2018 and is in charge of their thermal and structural engineering. Additionally, he aids in new product development, handles certifications, and maintains the production and quoting sales. As Access is based in Winkler, MB and David works remotely from the Milwaukee area, David handles technical sales in most of the United States.
Prior to joining Access, David worked as the engineer for WASCO Windows from 2006 until the firm was forced to cease producing its own windows in 2019 due to extreme supply chain problems. He has academic experience as both a professor at Marquette University and as a Senior Research Associate at the Technische Universität Berlin. Additional industrial experience includes time with Siemens Power in the U.S. and Germany as well as with Cleaver-Brooks in Milwaukee, WI.
David Paulus has a doctorate in mechanical engineering and is a licensed professional engineer in the state of Wisconsin. He is a Marine Corps veteran of Desert Storm with service in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
Mitsubishi Electric
November 10, 2020: VRF for Passive & High Performance Homes: This webinar will discuss the concept of Passive & High-Performance homes and the application of Residential Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Systems to meet their design and efficiency requirements. It reviews the technology and advantages of Residential VRF Systems and their performance in cold climates, the process used to properly size cooling and heating equipment, and the benefits afforded by Residential VRF Systems.
October 13, 2020: Build SMART offers factory assembled systems which incorporate improved products from lumber, sheathing, insulation, sealants and windows to meet any desired performance target and a quality that can be appreciated from all industry trade perspectives. Anyone that aspires to higher levels of building performance must pay particular attention to the quality and continuity of their: Structural Assembly; Air Control Layer; Thermal Control Layer; Water; Control Layer; and Climate-Specific Design.
If you deliver on each of these fronts, any level of building performance is within reach. These are the layers of your building envelope system that Build SMART delivers.
Meteek Supply
August 11, 2020: Meteek Supply was created to satisfy the need for leading-edge materials and products that stand up to the demands of our 140° temperature swings, pounding freeze-thaw cycles and summer heatwaves. Searching the globe for materials and technologies, Meteek Supply is meeting your needs for high-performance building, beautiful design, and the comfort and safety of your clients.
Nexcem Insulated Concrete Forms are the next generation in cement-bonded wood fiber ICF systems. Building on the original 70-year-old Swiss Durisol technology, we have brought ICF building blocks into the 21st century. Our advanced mix designs, proprietary processes, and state-of-the-art equipment allow us to offer products that are stronger and more precise than any other manufacturer of similar materials.
475 High Performance Building Supply
July 14, 2020: Smart Enclosure: 21st Century Advanced High-Performance Building – With carbon reduction deadlines fast approaching to mitigate the worst effects of climate change, architects, engineers and builders must maximize the positive impact of their work – providing not just optimized comfort and safety but also energy efficiency and negative carbon emissions. By reviewing common assembly types, and how we can make them more durable, ecological, efficient and lower carbon, participants discuss not just a framework of building delivery, but a guide and toolkit for professionals to implement actionable solutions, today.
B4 Conference
March 10, 2020: PHA-WI attended the the 2020 B4 Conference and held a meet and greet for members and conference attendees who were interested in learning about passive house and the push for net zero carbon.
Build Equinox - CERV2 Presentation
January 15, 2020: Build Equinox presented to the PHA-WI group about the CERV2 demand ventilation system.
CPHC Education Process
December 17, 2019: Meghan Hawkins presented on her experience with the Certified Passive House Consultant training and certification process.
Passive House on Mud Lake Tour
November 24, 2019: Christi Weber of PHA-WI presented to a group of UW-Milwaukee School of Architecture and Urban Planning students who are competing on a Solar Decathlon project later this year. The students were able to tour the Passive House on Mud Lake to learn about passive building principles.
Virge Temme Architecture Presentation
November 12, 2019: Virge Temme of PHA-WI presented some of her exciting passive and low-energy projects. Virge Temme Architecture
Door Open Milwaukee - Domus Matris
September 28, 2019: PHA-WI partnered with Door Open Milwaukee to showcase the only certified passive house in eastern Wisconsin. Learn more about the tour in our blog post. Domus Matris Architect - Bruce W. Zahn - Architect CPHC
MREA: The Energy Fair - Custer, WI
June 21 - 23, 2019: PHA-WI will be in attendance and member will provide educational presentation.
Loon Day - Mercer, WI
September 28, 2019: PHA-WI will host a booth compliments of Great Lakes Carpentry, Lakeside Advanced Builders, and Sustainable Builders Group.